- This probity had deserted him. 所以这一正直也不复存在。
- All his friends have deserted him! 他所有的朋友都拋弃了他!
- He finds his wife has deserted him and with a dirty lowlife too. 他发现他妻子已抛弃他而去和一个龌龊的下流胚在一起。
- His muse had deserted him, and he could no longer write. 他已无灵感; 不能再写作了.
- His muse have deserted him,and he can no longer write. 他已无灵感,不能再写作了。
- All his friends have deserted him and he is all by himself now. 他所有的朋友都离弃他,现在他孤独一人。
- His best friend has deserted him. 他最好的朋友遗弃了他.
- He felt that his muse had deserted him(= that he could no longer write, paint, etc.). 他觉得他已失去了创作灵感。
- He finds his wife has deserted him and with a dirty lowlifetoo. 他发现他妻子已抛弃他而去和一个龌龊的下流胚在一起。
- Even his sense of humour seemed to have deserted him, leaving him in an irritable mood. 并且他的诙谐天才也好像已经离开了他的身体,他自己也太会生气。
- The boy's friends have deserted him for the fact that he is criminally disposed. 这个小伙子的朋友们已经抛弃他了,因为他有犯罪的倾向。
- When the Kuomintang came and he retreated, most of the militiamen had deserted him because they did not wish to leave their families or their land. 国民党来的时候,他撤退了,多数民兵离开了地老鼠,因为他们不愿意离开家庭,丢下土地。
- But the “marriage of boiling patriotism and moderation” that he promised electors in 1791 had deserted him when he instigated the Revolutionary Tribunal and Committee of Public Safety in 1793. 但是自他于1793年促成革命法庭与公安委员会出现之时,他在1791年向选民们承诺的“沸腾的爱国主义与节制力的紧密结合”便已离他而去了。
- He saw vaguely the ship he had deserted uprising before him. 他隐约看见他所丢弃的船在他面前升了起来。
- Ali's genius has deserted him. 阿里的天赋却已荡然无存。
- The baby's mother deserted him soon after giving birth. 那个母亲生下他后不久就把他遗弃了。
- Sanity of judgment has never deserted him. 他从未失去明达的判断力。
- Sanity of judgment have never deserted him. 他明达的判断力无往不胜。
- Sanity of judgment have never deserted him . 他明达的判断力无往不胜。
- None of her friends had deserted her. 她的朋友都没有背离她。